The Fuzzy Guide to Chemotherapy
Copyright © 2002, Judy Willenbecher

Printed in the United States of America
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Published by CEI Publishing, a division of Crossfire Engineering Inc.,
17 Kreyssig Road, Broad Brook, CT 06016-9000
(860) 292-6633.

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Crossfire Engineering Inc.
17 Kreyssig Road
Broad Brook, CT   06016-9000
(860) 292 - 6633

Neither the author, publisher, or editors assumes any responsibility for the use or misuse of the material in this book. This material is not intended to give medical advice or information. It is for th sole purpose of giving fellow chemotherapy patients a little encouragement.

Judy is presently undergoing chemotherapy for lung cancer at Manchester Hospital's cancer treatment center. Judy has battled with three other cancers over the last 40 years and won each battle with the help of three generations of Manchester doctors. Sort of a "Been there, done that." kind of a thing.

ISBN 1-888371-c2-1

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Crossfire Engineering Inc.
Copyright © 2002 Judy Willenbecher